Day 716 - Simplest is best for note systems -

I use the simplest note system on the planet for my content flywheel.

- Take and save notes in Telegram Saved Messages
- Use some notes in Lifelog
- Repurpose content directly from Telegram or from Lifelog, to other channels

No complex note-taking system. No automation. No excessive tagging or categorising. No networked thought.

Just an app that I open and use everyday anyway, to collect notes. And on to another app that I use and write on every day, to process, think through, reflect on them. And then onwards to other platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn for content distribution.

This simple note system is how I'm able to keep writing on Lifelog for 700+ days, post on Twitter and LinkedIn daily for the past year. The results speak for themselves.

It's so crucial that it starts on an app (Telegram) that's easily accessible and habitual. Because any layer of friction, no matter how tiny, raises the barrier to utilising the note system to its full potential. Taking notes often happen when life is happening. When you're out and about, when you're having an interesting chat with a friend, when you see something at the mall. If I had to log in to take a note, it'll fail. If it's a desktop app, it fails. If I have to open my web browser to access it, it fails. If my network is spotty and without internet—I'm underground on the train, or out in the jungle—it fails. If I can't take notes hands free (like voice memo), it fails. It has to be always on, always available.

Mostly importantly, a note system where the notes are actually *used*, not just hoarded. So much of note-taking systems I see is an elaborate way to hoard stuff you'd never use again. So much effort, so little utility. It's digital hoarding at it's most subversive.

That's why I say note system , not note-*taking* system. It's not just for note-taking but also note-*using*. otherwise what's the point?

The best note system should be **generative**, not archival. It should stir up dust, not collect dust.

I like this simple note system. It works for me.