Day 497 - Chasing money vs chasing interest: Which comes first? -

Chasing money vs chasing interest: Which comes first?

Conventional wisdom would say chase money first, then you chase your interests and do interesting things with the money.

But hearing what @ShaanVP said about the topic on the My First Million podcast was insightful and refreshing. Paraphrasing here:

"There’s no separation between the things you’re most interested to do; learning about; experimenting with, versus money. Find a way for money to be the by-product, the exhaust coming out from the chimney, of that factory of interestingness."

What a great way to say it. Factory of interestingness. Money is a by-product - what blasphemy haha!

As creators, instead of asking “How do I make money out of my interests?”, we should really be flipping it around and asking “How do I be interesting, so interesting that people will pay you money for that interestingness?”

So it’s less about profit motives being the first mover, but curiosity, fun, play and learning as first movers.

Build on what you already curious about, have fun with, that feels like play while others feel like work, and helps you grow as a creator or human being. Once you built up that creative factory out of your interests, then sell the by-products coming out of that factory.

Have fun sculpting out of wood, then sell your sawdust.