Day 829 - Sunday mornings -

It's been a while since I wrote about Sundays. It's still my favourite day for waking up early.

I wake. Wash up. Push buttons for my double espresso. And sit down and immerse into a sea of calmness. The quiet stillness is mind-stopping. I slow down. I see the first light coming through the horizon. The dark violets giving way to glacier blues and whisky orange. The flames of yellow breaks through clouds. So still, even the birds are still asleep.

I hit play on my [Soundcloud playlist]( The ambient chillstep lends a deeper, immersive atmosphere. To savour and to soak in. It sharpens my mind, brings me to the present. Nothing like music that helps me come back to the moment.

I wish time would stop here. I could live in this moment forever. In fact, sometimes I think this is all I'm looking for in life. All I live for. Just fleeting moments when everything feels whole and complete. When I'm not needed nor expected to be anything. Where there's nowhere to go, nothing to achieve. When my entire universe is calm and collected.

A sacred hour.
A sacred space.

Sunday mornings.
Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

poetry πŸ₯Ή

Jason Leow Author



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