[Post-dated] Day 570 - Forgetting my why - https://golifelog.com/posts/forgetting-my-why-1658619407835

/description I’ve forgotten my why.

The past 1-2 years had been focused on growth, customer acquisition, marketing, building an audience. Most importantly, revenue and profits.

But I sense that I’m hitting diminishing returns running in pure marketing mode. Flogging a dead horse. Thus I’m not getting the results I seek. That brought a lot of disappointment and frustration.

I got to break through this vicious loop somehow.

And I think the way is to get back to my why.

Why did I start indie hacking in the first place? Why do I love about making products?

Because I enjoy giving my novel take on things.
Because I enjoy the creative process.
Because I enjoy making things.
Because I enjoy helping others.
Because I enjoy giving delight.
Because I enjoy serving.

I create, therefore I am.

Marketing should complement this why, not take over it. Revenue is a side effect of doing these well, not the mission. Building in public is the process, but actually building the thing is the destination. Maker mode, not marketing mode.

I’ve forgotten my why. And it’s time to get back to it.

I know what to do now. I do.

And I will.