Day 550 - Travel -

It’s been too long since I last travelled. That got me thinking: Where would I go if I could leave right now?

Few places restore me as well as Bali. In particular, Ubud. The lush green, the peaceful locals, the daily prayers. I used to take solo year-end retreats there annually. Just calm, great food, nature-bathing, and scooting around in a scooter, for one month. It was divine. Much needed now, after two years of living through a crisis.

If I had a past life, it would be in Japan. Even though I speak no Japanese, there’s no other place where I felt more at home being myself than in Japan. Especially Kyoto. People keep to themselves but respect others. Craft and craftsmanship is still deeply valued. Tradition meets modern. A blend of polarities, a contradiction, an irony yet it exists.

There’s no other place where I felt the Earth being more alive than in Iceland. The ground upon my feet wasn’t just some inert, passive, quiet thing – it burped, it hissed, it moved. The lava landscapes were alien to me. If you take me away blindfolded and dropped me on Iceland, I’d think we were on the moon perhaps. The air of fairy magic makes me almost expect elves and unicorns to jump out behind boulders and trees. It’s inexplicable.

I’ve been to India for yoga retreats. And not gonna lie… India is hard. I’ve got a love-hate relationship with my experience traveling there. There’s so much to it, yet it’s really challenging to dig deep enough through the surface to get there. The smog, the crazy traffic, the infrastructure, the crowds. All stand in between you and the wisdom that India has to offer. But perhaps that’s the whole point.

I can’t travel to these places yet…

But wishful thinking is always nice.