Day 503 - Be an idiot without a plan -

❌ “An idiot with a plan can beat a genius without a plan.”
✅ Be an idiot without a plan than a genius with a plan.

Especially for chance-driven environments like entrepreneurship and investing.

In Nassim Taleb’s book Antifragile, a turkey thought since he had a good, secure and safe life for 364 days of the year, he will likely have the same life for many more years to come. Until Thanksgiving came along.

Anytime you try to predict anything in a chance-dominant environment, you’re likely worse off doing so than just being an idiot without a plan, responding to what pops up opportunistically.

Yet that’s not what school teaches you. You’re conditioned to prepare all your life for the final exam. That’s not what business school teaches aspiring entrepreneurs. You write a business plan, come up with strategy, resource your company to execute to the dot.

All trying to be a genius with a plan.

No more that for me. I’m going the other now, thank you very much.

Be an idiot without a plan.