Day 338 - The 8h sleep myth

Guess what - just 6.5h of quality sleep is sufficient. The recommendation of sleeping 8h every night is a myth, after all.

β€œThe first paper to prove this was based on data collected in the late 1980s and analyzed in the early 2000s. Ten years ago, I wrote about how people who live the longest sleep 6.5 hours a night, not eight hours, and people flew into a rage. Since then, several studies have come out showing that 6.5 hours is optimal. That’s not to say that you should sleep less if you are tired. That would be stupid.

This is telling you that you must learn how to get high-quality sleep when you do sleep. That means being so healthy that you need less sleep to recover, and it means setting up your sleep environment and your biology, so you sleep like a pro. I’ve had an average of exactly 6 hours and 28 minutes of sleep every night since 2013.” – Dave Asprey. Source: