Day 959 - How the body teaches rest -

For the past two weeks since I got off my consulting train, I've been pushing to launch a new product. I wanted to launch something new in a week. But the more I tried, the less motivated I am. The more I worked, the lazier my body became. The more I berated myself, the foggier my mind got. It's like the whole body was fighting me.

Then I chanced across a post on social media and it all came together:

> And then her body whispered... "I'm not fighting AGAINST you, I'm fighting FOR you. Through pain and tension I communicate the boundaries you never learned to set. Through fatigue and exhaustion, I give you the rest that you were never allowed to take. Through the headaches and brain fog I let you know that you are doing too much. You see, I've always been on your side, I'm just waiting for you to be on mine." – Lexy Florentina via [@somaticexperiencingint](

I was still moving on the momentum of the past few hectic months that I couldn't stop. But my body needed to us to stop and rest. The mind needed us to lighten up and play.

They whsipered but I didn't hear. So they all conspired to teach me how, in their own unique way. By shutting things down one by one.

Until I finally got the memo.

*Ok body, mind, I got it.*

No more projects and projecting.
No more deadlines.
No more new goals.

Just rest.
And play.
Go to zero.

Do whatever it takes until they come back and whisper, "We're ready."