Day 680 - Irony of indie freedom -

I hated a 9-5, so I quit and started working 24/7 on my own products. 😅🙃

The irony isn’t lost on me. And the funny thing is, this story is way more common amongst founders than we admit. But I’m a willing victim here. Truth is, ownership of my misery changes everything. I own all the pains and gains. I can adjust my schedule and workload if I should so choose otherwise, not at the mercy of someone else. Everyone’s less free due to having to work, but I get to choose what will make me less free.

It’s the freedom.

Of course the caveat is: the 24/7 is not the aim here. It’s a consequence of (hopefully) a founder in the early stages of his startup. Burnout is real. Not here to make small of the ill effects of 24/7 hustling. No badges given here for coding late at night till early morning, working on weekends, missing out on major life events like your child’s birthday or wedding anniversary. I do recognise the early days building a business needs some hustling, but I’m constantly seeking to balance with family and personal time. Hard but trying.

I’m only human. When I do have to burn the candle on both ends, I whine and grumble. But taking a step back, I wouldn’t trade it for anything else. I’m living my best life and career, and I want to balance it better all the more to keep having this chance to live it.

The easiest part of it all – working on your own thing often doesn’t feel like work.

I can do this all day.