Day 477 - Re-kindling my past career, re-starting on LinkedIn -

In my hurry to get to the future that I envision and desire, I think I might have over-compensated and looked past the value of my past.

This is about my career.

I wanted my products to work so bad, that I unknowingly high-nosed my past expertise in design consulting.

But now I truly accept it back into the fold of my portfolio of businesses.

I mean, nothing’s changed. It was in my portfolio before, and it still is.

What changed is the mindset and intention. And the effort put into it.

I was kind of being ungrateful for that past career, and failed to see how it supported me thus far. I stopped putting effort into getting myself out there in terms of consulting, so gigs dried up.

Yet there’s so much potential still. Wasted opportunity.

That’s why I’m re-starting my content distribution on LinkedIn (, only this time, it’s not about writing or for Lifelog but about design.

It certainly feels great to have a channel now to push all the insights I built up and learned over the 8 years being a design consultant in the public sector. Already it’s showing more views than my previous writing content!

Design innovation in government is something I’m good at. It’s something I can still grow in. I should acknowledge it.

I want to acknowledge it. Now.

I’m back.