Day 621 - 100% sleep -

I did it. I finally did it. I hit 100% score for sleep!

Writing this down for record and remembrance:

Date: Monday night 12 Sep 2022
Sleep tracking app: Sleep Cycle iOS app
Sleep score: 100%
Went to bed: 8:48pm
Woke up: 5:06am
In bed: 8h 17m
Asleep: 8h 7m
Asleep after: 9min
Heart rate: 67

This was despite me having a sore neck for the past few days and not being able to move freely to sleep on my side. This was despite me being slightly unwell and exhausted from my consulting last week.

It was tough sleep last week. I was at 83% (my normal range), then went to 58% after a particularly intense day of work, then built it back up to 74%, then 82%, then 85%, then 88% (yesterday), and then 100% today. It took me 5 days to get back up.

But the number of days here wasn’t the critical factor here. It was the commitment to self care. To prioritize taking care of myself, at the expense of all other things like fun and play, even some family time.

All my past sleep problems, and poor health resulting from sleep deprivation, were simply a prioritization problem. I felt I could sacrifice sleep for other things. I thought it was a commodity that I could trade off freely without consequence. This is a pattern of behaviour right from my 20s till now. I guess I’m only truly starting to learn this lesson now, after two decades. Only “starting to learn”, because I still fall into the trap of my old ways from time to time.

Sleep is the first mover.