Day 479 - Build to think -

Writing to think is one of the main reasons why I stuck to writing daily here on Lifelog. And I do the same when building a product.

So often I start writing my daily post here with no inkling of what point I’m try to make. I take the seed of an idea, a barely formed title, and just start typing. As the words form, the thoughts form. As the thoughts form, the original idea evolves. And I loop through this multiple times to eventually end up ‘discovering’ the real point I was try to make, the realisation I was try to get to.

The point, the insight, is an emergent property of the writing. I could not have ever predicted what will come out of the writing. The outcome, the end result, is unknown and can never be certain prior. The only thing I’m certain is: The writing will show the way.

Likewise, I realised I like doing that with my products.

There’s more to just launching a scrappy MVP in the style of an indie hacker trying to validate product-market fit. It’s not the minimum version of a pre-formed vision of the product I have in my head. Maybe many other indie hackers do that, but not for me.

I build to figure it out.