Day 861 - What does rest look like? -

Been feeling off. Like I need some deep rest. Could be burnout...

A dear friend asked me yesterday: What does rest look like to me? What image comes to mind?

Immediately what came to mind:

I'm back in Ubud, Bali. Alone. Like I always do at the end of the year for one of my personal retreats, before fatherhood and the pandemic. I wake up in my villa. No sounds of traffic, just birds chirping, the blades of the rice plants rustling in the fields. Dawn's just breaking. I can see Mt Agung in the distance. I sit for a while in meditation just soaking this in. Next, breakfast at one of the lovely cafes in Ubud central, serving food made with wholesome, organic, local produce. My body sings from eating that. Then I laze away the morning at my favourite coffee place, sampling their local single origin. *What should I do today? What adventures call out to me today?* I decide, on a whim, to ride the scooter to the beach. Traffic's crazy along the way, but interspersed with occasional rides through sleepy village roads lined with coconut trees on both sides, and ripening rice fields in the background. It's bliss to ride on the wind through such beauty. I hit the waves. Maybe surf a bit. Swim and float around, letting the sea do its soothing magic. I end the day sitting on the beach, watching the impossible sunset of yellows, oranges and purples. Content. Calm. Rested. Alive.

*What does rest look like to you?*