Day 292 - How to be maximum human optimization, personified

How Rob Dyrdek (@robdyrdek) structures his life to achieve maximum human optimization:

– 30% work (7.2h)
– 30% family (7.2h)
– 30% sleep (7.2h)
– 10% health (2.4h)

Truth be told, despite my aspirations, I’m far far away from that intentional balance right now. If I were to be honest, this is how my life looks like right now:

– 11.5h work - 48%
– 7h sleep - 30%
– 5h family - 20%
– 0.5h health - 2%

I’m working too much, working out way to little. I’m barely scratching it on family time – on some days, I even transfer 1-2h out to more work time. My only saving grace is that my sleep seems on par.

That won’t do.

Time to start a new goal – maximum human optimization!
Carl Poppa 🛸

sleep is so important man. i literally feel like a new person every time i get a good night's sleep! that is the crux of everything and i'm glad you're already hitting it! only good things will follow, i'm sure of that

Jason Leow Author

thanks bro! yeah sleep is the foundation.. now on to other aspects of life!


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