🀜πŸ’₯🐞πŸ’₯πŸ€› Solved it! Thank you @keenen @yuyu for the lifesaver help!

Solution: Had to wrap a v-if to check if accDetailsAll[streak.author] exists before checking with another v-if for .profileImg


Penning down my approach for this feature, for future reference:
β€’ accDetailsAll will contain all authors details. Their position in the index will match their author id.
β€’ streaks only return authors with streaks, but it comes with author id too.
β€’ so by accDetailsAll[streak.author - 1], I'm using the streak author id to find the correct index position of the author details in the array
β€’ Downside of this approach is: if a user delete his account, the index position of accDetailsAll will be messed up. Would PostgresQL skip id numbers too in their tables?