Day 472 - Habit systems that work even on my worst days -

I need a better system to get back to being fit AF.

Something that would work even on my worst days. Even if unexpected mishaps happen. I have a bad habit of leaning too much on willpower to build habits, and it’s definitely shown to be ineffective in this case. Things should run as per usual even if I forget or willpower is lacking.

Reflecting, I think some things are lacking or I can do more of:

• Cues
• Environment
• Rewards
• Temptation bundling
• Habit stacking

What other habit hacks do you use to get yourself to exercise more?
Jason Leow Author

That sounds totally like what I do for my writing. Set a laughably low bar, and breeze past the limit. Thanks Vishnu! Will try it out


I use habit stacking but on days when i dont feeling like doing anything I set the target rep really low so that I cannot skip. In most cases, while working out it builds some momentum and I end up doing more than the minimal reps.


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