Day 688 - Started a Substack -

Finally got on Substack.


I’m been meaning to move over from Revue for months. The email deliverability is so bad on Revue – it kept showing up in people’s spam inbox. I learned from the experts that Substack has the best email deliverability amongst the different platforms, so it’s a no-brainer.

But why today? Due to the rumours that Twitter’s going down. If the mothership goes down, I’m sure Revue would too. Moving to Substack that was an initial far-off hedge that’s becoming more real of fulfilling it’s purpose as the Twitter saga unfolds.

It’s also timely because I’ve been meaning to increase the frequency of my newsletter, from monthly to weekly. More real stories and musings from my indie solopreneur journey. I started with a monthly rhythm because I didn’t know if I could do a weekly one, and the last thing I want is to give myself work I hate and begrudge writing it. So I thought, since I’m already writing my monthly reviews anyway, I could repurpose them as sort of an update to those interested in following my indie journey. But now that I’ve published monthly for a while, it’s feeling more doable to up the cadence. Weekly is more engaging for the audience, the experts say, so it’s worth a shot. Besides, I already write pretty regularly about my products here on Lifelog. So it’s really a matter of repurposing some of them over to Substack. And with so much content already written here, I doubt I’ll have any issues making the weekly deadlines. Planning to publish one every Saturday!

Substack Saturdays, it’ll be!