Day 736 - Lifelog 2023 -

I just deployed the markdown preview feature on Lifelog. Previously you could only see the text formatting after you publish. Now you can preview the formatting while writing on the `/write` page before publishing. Just hover your cursor outside of the text area and it'll display the text *with* formatting right there. On mobile, tap anywhere outside the text area to preview.

So FINALLY... after more one year (since 21 Nov 2021) without building new features!

A new start for my very first SaaS project for the new year.

Confession: To be honest, I’m not proud of the fact that I’ve not deployed new features for more than 1 year, all the while receiving monthly subscription dollars.

The past 2 years had been a tough journey figuring out marketing and growth for Lifelog. What was hardest to swallow was the slow dawning that it won’t live up to my expectations as my ONE true SaaS to bring my indie solopreneur career to ramen profitability.

But the good news is: Since letting those expectations go, I’ve in fact felt more relieved than ever. I feel like I don’t have to figure out how to grow it anymore. Instead I can now just build features! How ironic, right?!

In the end, I'm circling back to what this project at its core had always been for me:

A passion project.

I love writing.
I love building products.
I love living a reflective life.
I love the friends I've made here.

So cheers to more of doing what I love for Lifelog in 2023! 🍻

And to @everyone here, thanks for being patient with me. And for all the support by sticking around this long. I'm grateful.