Day 821 - April goals -

I started my first day of April cleaning up my Twitter follows, unfollowing more than 1000 of my 2k follows. Now I follow about 700, a good ratio, thanks to the analyses from the Twitter alogorithm going open source.

Perhaps that's a sign that April is going to be a month of purging and spring cleaning.

My desk is cluttered af. I've not touched it for more than a year. My work space is slowly becoming a warehouse, with cardboard boxes and unused furniture crowding up behind and beside me. My cabinet and bookshelves have not seen a cleaning towel for *years*. I have old letters I kept from more than 5 years ago. Around the house, things are starting to break down. A flickering light bulb. Badly flaking paint. Many tiny repair jobs that needs the man of the house to work on.

Living in a tidy, clean and sane space is a form of self care.

And since the start of the pandemic, I mostly forgot about self care because I was either too sleep deprived, too tired, too busy, or too stretched to care. But things are fine now. I don't need to be in crisis mode anymore. I can self care beyond the immediate, to the nice-to-have stuff like clutter.

It's also timely, because I have about one month before the start of my next sprint of coaching and consulting in May. I do need some downtime. And there's no better time during this downtime to finally spring clean my space and by extension, my mindscape.

Not just physical space, but mental, for work, life and everything else.