Day 592 - Intensity vs consistency is a false choice -

I tweeted this out and was surprised at the nuance and wisdom when presented with an intentional (false) dichotomy:

"Let’s settle the debate:
Consistency, or intensity?
Which approach works better for you?
I mean re: creative projects of any kind - writing, products, video."

Basically, most replies talked about a smart blending of both consistency and intensity, and modulate as required through the process. Intensity can be used productively within a frame of consistency, not against. And there’s so many ways to mix it! More than I realised, based on all the replies:

• Be consistent on small, infinite games (e.g. daily habits like tweeting, writing, diet, exercise, sleep) but work in bursts of intensity for big, finite projects.
• You can be intense in the early days of a project, then lower the intensity to get consistency for long term.
• Blend intensity in with consistency… consistency as a default minimal baseline mode on daily basis, then on good days when inspiration/opportunity strike, go intense.
• Consistency as preparation for inspired intensity. Organize and be consistent so that when you need to be acutely and intensely creative, you are ready.
• Intensity throws out a lot of output in the short term but in the long term (like over years, decades), it’s consistency that helps us compound and trend up
• Consistency but with a baseline level of speed and/or intensity. Too slow or too little isn’t good for progress, no matter how consistent
• Consistency is actually intensity spread out over time, with consistent rest in between too. Otherwise consistent intensity or intense consistency leads without rest to burnout.
• Consistency = intensity + discipline, including discipline to take breaks

A blended approach is definitely more nuanced and realistic in real life. There’s also an element of personal preference here of course.