Day 233 - Physical artefacts for digital accomplishments

"There’s something about a physical artefact that lends more weight to the purpose you intended it for…An abstract intention actualised in a physical ritual, wrapped up with a sublime experience."

Because I too feel that with all my projects being digital, there’s a lack of tangible appreciation for it.

How I can create physical artefacts for my digital accomplishments:

• Print a custom notebook, t-shirt, stickers, pin buttons? - possible, but swags like t-shirts always becomes white elephants.
• Commission a medal/trophy? - effort needed, but if it can be like The Conqueror medals, will be awesome keepsakes!
• Start a Field Notes notebook or fancy journal for each of these projects - most feasible, can start today.
• Or follow @yongfook’s Moto Meter example on his open startup page and actually buy something I like/desire when I hit certain goals for each product!
What else can I do?
Carl Poppa 🛸

this is interesting, never thought of it this way. i usually just reward myself with fried chicken and beer 🤪

Jason Leow Author

Hahah i like food rewards too! Why not have friend chicken, beer and a medal to cap it off? ;)


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