Day 460 - How I structured my portfolio of small bets -

How I structured my portfolio of small bets:

From selling time, to more leveraged/scalable income streams. It’s really a spectrum, where the endgame is to move the ratio of your time/effort spent from left to right:

Services → Productized services → Info products → Micro-SaaS → SaaS → Marketplaces

The goal is to go from selling time to disconnecting money from time. Of course, it doesn't mean I will only do SaaS in the future. I would still want to have a mix, a portfolio. But the ratio of time spent might evolve. I'm spending more time on the left side of the spectrum now, hoping to flip the ratio towards the right side in the future.

Taking a portfolio approach has it's benefits - it's more resilient and antifragile:

• Services (e.g. consulting): Immediate payoffs but more random, feast & famine cycles
• Info products: Higher payoffs in the beginning but fades away over time
• SaaS: Low revenue in beginning but builds up over time

They cover each other's shortcomings over their product journey:

In fact, now I'm thinking I could add more into the spectrum, and do some experiments in:

• Dropservices could go into the productized services stage.
• Courses could be a thing on its own, in between productized services and info products (since it's a mix of both)
• Where does ecommerce come in? After SaaS, before marketplace?

What else can I add?