[Post-dated] A perfect Sunday - https://golifelog.com/posts/a-perfect-sunday-1663459376653

I wake up at 4am. Dead quiet. If 4ams are quiet, Sunday 4ams are ten times quieter. I get up immediately. No snoozing, no lazing in bed. I don’t need to, because I slept early at 8pm. All 8h of restful, peaceful sleep. 99% score on my sleep tracking app aligns with how rested I feel when I wake. I jump out of bed, eager to start my day doing something I love.

I wash up, and then meditate to the cool morning air. It’s such a great way to anchor myself. Then some espresso, and I’m off to my laptop for some writing, coding. Deep work and flow ensues. I lose track of time. Yet I’m having so much fun working on my passion projects. I do my most important work for the day, before people are even up on a Sunday.

It’s 8am. The family rouses awake. We make pancakes. Have tea. Eat slowly and mindfully, enjoying presence as much as pancakes. Then we change, and head out outside. A trek through a forest, a stroll down the beach. Somewhere in nature. We picnic lunch right there, just being glad to be outdoors, sharing our sandwiches with ants. We dive into the sea for a swim. We dip out toes in the forest river for fun. The great outdoors, our playground.

Back home, and we dim the lights and enjoy a movie together, through a lazy delivery dinner. Pizza, ribs, wings, whatever. The children go to bed, then after cleaning up we all head to sleep. It starts drizzling. The soft sounds of the rain, lulling us to sleep.

A perfect Sunday.