Day 652 - Incremental explosion/implosion -

Another gem from James Clear:

“What appears to be a rapid shift is often preceded by a gradual process. Our results gradually explode or vanish thanks to the small habits we repeat each day.
What radical change are you slowly marching toward? An incremental explosion or an incremental vanishing?”

I love the last two questions. Great pause for ponder.

What incremental explosion or implosion am I marching towards?

Which habit streaks are serving me towards that future, even though the gradual and incremental progress in the present doesn’t seem like it will?

How will that explosion or implosion look like when it finally comes?

• Sleep biohacking – Restful sleep with daily sleep scores above 90%. Great sleep quality with more than 1.5h of deep sleep and REM sleep per night. Feeling rested and jumping out of bed when I wake. Not needing naps or coffee in the day. Peak productivity.

• Diet – Enjoys eating healthy and wholesome foods. Free from gut issues or metabolic/inflammation ailments. No more dad bod and tummy. Slim, healthy, alert. Peak sense of wellbeing and wellness.

• Indie solopreneurship – Hits $100K per year consistently from my portfolio of products and services. Creating new products just because it’s fun. Connecting and learning from and with others.

• Writing – Clarity. Joy. Gratitude. Creativity. A tool to time hop back and reflect. A bank of words that says who I was, who I’m becoming. A library of work that helps me in my work.

New habit streaks that I really want to add to the list:
• Fitness – Strong, lean, great posture, glowing. Even in my 70s and 80s. Strong but healthy. Able to run 5km anytime, walk all day. Fit AF.

• Money habits – Money is no longer “dirty”. Savvy at using money to grow money. Street smart at investing in stock market, businesses, crypto.

• Family relationship – I’d really love to have a habit streak that gets me to put in incremental effort in terms of relationships for my family - wife, son, parents. No idea how yet but they are so important that I thought I shouldn’t miss out mentioning it!
