Day 432 - Personal truths I live by as a creator -

We should all write our own creator manifesto. Sort of like a personal user manual but for our creatorship. All the personal truths you live by—or try to live up to—in the process of running your creator business. The process of writing it would be great way to gain clarity on what’s important to oneself too.

Here’s some that I try to live by, that you may agree or disagree with:

• Make friends first, business maybe.
• Give 99%, take 1%.
• Be human, be real, be vulnerable.
• There’s actually 7.9B ways to success
• Money buys happiness, but only to a point.
• Money is an enabler, not endgame. It’s all about time, location and creative freedom.
• Small is beautiful: A 1-person $1M lifestyle business over a 1000-persons $1B unicorn corp.
• Embrace being generalist.
• Portfolio of small bets over a singular focus.
• Help others succeed.
• Slow growth over hyper growth at all costs.

What are some personal truths you live by as a creator?