Day 490 - F**k you money is overrated -

What’s the dollar value of my version of f**k you money? $1M? $10M? $1B? Everyone’s price is different. Thinking through, I thought maybe—just hypothetically—$10M is a good figure.

So too poor, you’re enslaved by your monthly salary and you’re unhappy. Too rich, and you’re enslaved by your liabilities and you’re unhappy too.

Now I’m wondering if I even want that $10M after all…is it even about the money?

Because ultimately the f**k you money is just an enabler right? Money isn’t the endgame here. It’s the freedom it buys. Money is just one facet out of many. So how does that freedom look like for me?

A blank calendar where I get to decide when and how often I work.
A bank account where my family and I can live comfortably, take a few vacations a year, not worry about not having enough.
Creative freedom - not needing to work with people I don’t want to work with, having autonomy in how I run my own projects
Location independence - being able to live in another country or city for extended periods of time
I can probably get to that vision of freedom without my hypothetical f**k you money of $10M. I might not even need $1M to achieve that!

Money is just a convenient resource that makes making it easier to make that vision happen. But it the only the only resource that can make that happen.

Running your own lifestyle business.
Creating your own products.
Being able to work remotely anywhere.

All these are resources too.

Seem like… f**k you money is overrated.