Day 769 - Indie biz is like a restaurant -

Running a indie business has a lot more overlaps with running a restaurant than we thought. I like how [Ev's tweet]( talks about it:

> After two years of launching a lot of products. There are 3 every creator should have:
> 👉 Gateway Product. Something free to get people in the door
> 👉 Taster Product. Something small to give people a taste
> 👉 Signature Product. Something big that sums up everything you do

Loved the labels - gateway, taster and signature. Feels just like a restaurant! Much better than saying "click funnels", "top/bottom of funnel", "lead gen", isn't it?

That got me thinking: Do I have this set up for each of my products, in those 3 layers? Thinking through:

### Plugins For Carrd
- Gateway:
- Helping the community with their Carrd issues on Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, Telegram, email
- (Future) Blog posts / knowledge base docs
- Newsletter
- Taster:
- Free plugins with limited free support
- Black Friday deals
- Signature:
- Premium paid plugins
- Bundle packages with custom support

### Lifelog
- Gateway:
- Tweets on writing and creator habits
- (Future) self-paced writing course for introverts. Possibly be an automated email drip campaign/course, or a Gumroad standalone download.
- Newsletter
- Taster:
- Free one month trial
- (Future) 1-month non-recurring payment for lower commitment
- (Future) Writing challenges, events
- Signature:
- Full monthly/annual subscription on Lifelog
- Being part of close knit writing community

### Outsprint
- Gateway:
- Posts and tweets on LinkedIn/Twitter providing value and showing social proof/credibility for design
- Free downloads of design tools
- Taster:
- 1-day Jumpstart workshop
- Short freelance stints
- Career conversation cards
- Design card decks
- Signature:
- Design sprint consultancy
- Consultancy on retainer
- Training/Coaching programme

Overall a great framework to think through with! So much more clarity thinking in these 3 layers. Thanks Ev! 🙏