Day 145 - 4am month

It’s been a month of experimenting with 4am wake times since starting on 25th April:

I generally woke around 4:20am or 4:40am
Earliest was 3:58am, latest was 5:03am
Sleep scores hover around 60-70% in the beginning
Later 1-2 weeks I’d been getting high 70% scores, a few 80% even
High 70%-80% came from 7h sleep or more, often with 9pm bedtime
The sleep charts from these high 70% scores also showed more regular peaks and valleys, with no interruptions from night pees or anything
I also self-reported my alertness level (on 1-10 scale) when I woke. This one was a strange one - no patterns. On some good score days I found I reported low alertness levels even! Not sure if I’m doing it wrong…