Day 280 - Rich is a mindset

What’s a rich mindset?

Here’s my best formulation of it so far:

• Ethical wealth creation is possible. Money is not dirty, don’t despise the rich
• There’s always enough money to go around - it’s not a zero sum game. You are allowed to get rich. It doesn’t have to be at the expense of others.
• Money is a tool, an enabling resource. It’s a means to an end, not an end in itself.
• Make money work for you, not work for money. Sell value, not time.
• Create and own assets that appreciate, e.g business, stocks, real estate
• Growth mindset - always be learning. A static mind means wealth stagnation.
• Be rich and anonymous, not rich and famous. Limited upside, infinite downsides when you famously rich.
• Spend on quality, not spendthrift. Consume with purpose, instead of being a prisoner to consumption.
• True wealth is freedom. A blank calendar is a better indicator of your wealth than the number in your bank account.
• Rich is more a mindset, less about how much wealth you hold at the moment. Mindset is a more accurate indicator of your long term wealth and success, and your probability of trending up or down.
Carl Poppa 🛸

"There’s always enough money to go around" - one of my core beliefs is the pie is big enough for everyone! :)

Carl Poppa 🛸

"A blank calendar is a better indicator of your wealth than the number in your bank account." - love this one. Gonna send it to my friend who needs to see this.

Jason Leow Author

cool glad it resonated!


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