Day 602 - Build an audience and it builds you back -

"Build an audience" they say, but I realised the audience builds me too.

I'm no influencer (*cringe), but the influencer isn't just influencing but is also being influenced.

Because if I "double down on what works" and follow the validation loops to the extreme, I might end up becoming a person I don't want to be. I don't want to turn into [Nikocado Avocado](

But of course, the blowback can't be 100% bad. An audience might not always be a [prison]( – yeah I'm revising my perspective.

It can be a vicious feedback loop where you lose your way. Or it can be a virtuous loop where it helps you grow.

So build an audience that will help you build your best self in public.


That's the only way this game can be played in the long run. For me. I've been trying out a new way to be on Twitter.

I used to watch my likes, replies and follows like a day trader watching the stock market. But no longer. Most days now I don't even look. I just reply and enjoy the conversation.

I'm tweeting more off-the-cuff, inspired moments kind of tweets. And definitely way more shitposting. It's just way too much fun. If my audience are those who don't find my shitposts or jokes funny, maybe they shouldn't be part of my audience haha.

I also changed my [Twitter bio]( recently to reflect more authentically who I am, not just what I want to sell. That felt great. And guess what? I got a slight boost in followers and email newsletter subscribers. And I wasn't even watching.

The Universe always seems to work that inverse, perverse way. Stop wanting it, let it go, and it comes flooding back to you.

Lame. But that's reality.