Launching Notion Simple Table

I am a huge Notion fan but there's this one thing that is still not available: A simple table.

Yes, there's no simple to add to your Notion page 😆

However, I found out a hack where you can use the math equation block and LaTeX notation to create beautifully-looking simple tables.

So I decided to follow Rob Wallings's advice and built a simple and free generator around it so that Notion users can easily generate their tables without messing around with the complex LaTeX notation.

I then went ahead and posted it to relevant Notion communities and it seems that they like it.

Curious if and how it can help HelpKit's growth 🌱 Will definitely keep you posted!
Dominik Sobe ツ Author

Thanks Ostap! Yeah they were all over the place 😉


Congrats! I see that people on Reddit like it :)


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