Launching Notion Simple Table

I am a huge Notion fan but there's this one thing that is still not available: A simple table.

Yes, there's no simple to add to your Notion page ๐Ÿ˜†

However, I found out a hack where you can use the math equation block and LaTeX notation to create beautifully-looking simple tables.

So I decided to follow Rob Wallings's advice and built a simple and free generator around it so that Notion users can easily generate their tables without messing around with the complex LaTeX notation.

I then went ahead and posted it to relevant Notion communities and it seems that they like it.

Curious if and how it can help HelpKit's growth ๐ŸŒฑ Will definitely keep you posted!
Dominik Sobe ใƒ„ Author

Thanks Ostap! Yeah they were all over the place ๐Ÿ˜‰


Congrats! I see that people on Reddit like it :)


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