Day 127 - The cost of self development is loneliness

The cost of self development is loneliness ~ @iamaaronwill

It made me realise an experience I had but never knew, until now.

Self-development is lonely, because if you do it well, your friends will no longer recognise you. Your vibe will change. The common interests that brought you together with your friends might no longer be interesting to you.

Self-development is lonely, because if you do it well, your family, your parents, your spouse might find it hard to keep up... even if love is unconditional.

Self-development is lonely, because if you do it too well, you might not even recognise yourself after a while. You might feel lost, adrift, unmoored. Because your old friends are moving away from you, but new friends had not yet arrived.

The cost of self-development, truly, is loneliness.