Day 912 - July 2023 goals -

My new intention for every week in July:

Say "F**k it I'm doing it" at least once a week.


I'm a chronic over-thinker. I think it there's benefits to thinking deeply, especially in an era of fake news, misinformation and media manipulation. But a virtue brought to extremes becomes a vice. Or when in the wrong context.

The wrong context here is this whole indie hacking thing.

Success here depend much on a bias to action. To the point of being almost foolhardy. So the instinctual reflex must be to act. But my first instinct is to think. Deeply. Take a bit more time.

Over time, the missed opportunities accumulate. Deep thinking becomes passivity. Passivity turns into procrastination.

I think myself out of a business, basically.

Not good.

Damn it, it's like I'm just not built for indie hacking. So much to unlearn and let go of. So many of my existing strengths are actually weaknesses.

I need to be hungrier. Like on an instinctual level. If one was truly hungry, they grab whatever, whenever. Grab first think later.

So... for July, that's what I'll do.

Act first, worry later.
Ship more, think less.