Day 115 - Money Maketh Masterplan

The missus and I did a review of our finances yesterday, and things aren’t looking good.

COVID had hit hard. Freelance gigs aren’t coming in. The runway from savings is getting alarmingly shorter by the month. And my products aren’t living up to hopes (yet).

In short, things will get ugly fast in the next few months if I don’t hustle differently to feed the fam.

It’s a humbling—almost humiliating—moment in my indie hacker journey. I hate it, but I now have little choice but to find work which I generally avoided if I can help it. I can no longer help it…

So fuelled by wartime urgency, I woke at 4am this morning to compile a Money Maketh Masterplan, to get our finances healthy again till the time my products catch up.
Marin Gilles

Wishing you the best for what's to come…

Jason Leow Author

Thanks @allmyhinges !

Jason Leow Author

Thanks Marin!


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