Day 836 - Indie what? -

Indie hacker, indie maker, indie solopreneur, indie creator – what's the difference? We throw these labels around but honestly I've never really delineated their differences.

So just for fun, arising from a random conversation on Twitter, I made this sketch:


We know what indie means, i.e. "independent", free agent, self-employed, or bootstrapped. [Eli said]( is about the focus, about what you're focusing on and they're not always talking about the same thing.

Indie hackers are focused on whether there's coding involved. Usually for folks who are developers coding their SaaS product. Indie makers are those who are making products but not necessarily coding it themselves. It's usually via nocode tools, or info products. Solopreneurs as a label is to highlight that the person is running a business solo or mostly alone, doesn't hire a team, but might work with freelancers or contractors. Indie creators, seems to be a catch-all for everyone who's indie and creating something, anything, even content. They don't necessarily have a product.

OK now that I've drawn lines, time to tweet this and start a semantic war. 🀣