Day 683 - Be lazy -

I lazed through the entire Sunday morning yesterday in bed, just chillaxing and watching Youtube videos. My wife and kid were away at her mum’s. It was chilly from the rain. I snuggled up in bed, under a toasty blanket, just consuming cheap entertainment.

Lame, I know.

What a super unproductive way to spend a nice Sunday. And probably unhealthy too – so much screen time and cheap dopamine.

But I enjoyed it immensely. I realised I’ve not done that since… I can’t even remember the last time I had the time and space to do that. I’ve not given myself the permission to just be lazy for so long. Even on my day off, I’m working, caring, fulfilling obligations and responsibilities. For the past 3 years.

I need more of this.

It’s not about chillaxing in bed watching Youtube. It’s not about being entertained, nor the content being consumed. It’s not about being alone.

It’s about giving myself permission to just be lazy. GUILT-FREE permission.

So much of my stress is wrapped up in my roles and duties. Letting myself off the hook for a day or half, is one of the best ways to decompress and manage those stress levels.

Be lazy.