πŸš€ Launched basic notifications

FINALLY launched the highly-requested feature on Lifelog - notifications! It's just basic notifications for now - you get a notif when someone comments on your post. No @mentions, no notifs for comments you made on someone else's post...yet. Soon to come!

I must admit, this took me quite a while to figure out and get right. My initial idea of the solution was 10x more complex (involving web sockets, lifecycle hooks etc) than the simple one now which just uses a dumb CRUD API endpoint. But actual implementing and integrating both backend and frontend inflated the complexity back up again! Never had to make so many different components, pages talk to each other in realtime this way. Phew! So glad it's finally out!

Big shout-out to @yuyu helping me with the nitty gritty frontend stuff on Nuxt.js! Drinks on me next time! 🍻🍻🍻
Ilya Radchenko

I'm using EmberJS and no backend at this point. Using Firebase and isomorphic-git with the Github API, so far haven't needed a backend.

Jason Leow Author

Oh just checked out screenshots of Typelog… very nice! Love the dev focus, and ease of use, like a better alternative to Github Pages blogs. What's your stack on backend and frontend?

Jason Leow Author

Nice. Heard lots of good things about Firebase. Must try it some day!

Ilya Radchenko

Looks like we are working on similar things, even similar names :D #typelog, although mine is developer focused and for static blogs. Love your work though!


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