📝Modified textarea inputs to be autosizing

Had to add event listeners to the scroll height to automatically increase the style height as lines of text gets typed. Usually we can use `contenteditable` attribute easily for this, but that doesn't work for textarea inputs, and I HAVE to use textarea as I need to use the v-model directive (which only can be used on input kind of fields). So had to dig deeper into how to create my own auto-resizing textarea using Vue! Crazy how this isn't more easily accessible, and that we have to write Javascript functions for it! (It gets even harder if the auto-resizing textarea is a component, because v-model is not directly available on the component. So you have to add more listeners and emit events to do that! I only need the functions on the /write page, so it doesn't make sense to make components for it. A case when it's easier to just type the damn code into the page, than to use the component approach and make everything more complex than it has to.)