Day 939 - F**k frameworks -

I tried to yarn create nuxt-app yesterday, and was met with a whole lot of complaints by the terminal. Unmet dependencies this, critical errors that. You need to update this, you need to download that. Amongst a whole host of annoying barriers to setting up.

That's so f**king annoying.

That's my least favourite part of using modern frameworks. Too much shit going on just to start. I remember back when I started using frameworks, just having to install and set up a whole host of stuff—node, npm, VSCode, extensions—was enough to make me want to quit. Yesterday's experience was reminiscient of that.

I just want to have a developer experience like how I develop my plugins.

Standard issue HTML and CSS, with plain vanilla Javascript. Nothing to install or download. Works right away in the browser. If I need to pull in a library for some styling, I use the cloud option. Just throw in the script tag, and we're off. If I want to use a Javascript framework, I use Vue.js on CDN.

Literally ZERO barriers to start.

I know I know... the veterans will say I'll hit some ceiling with that kind of stack. But ceilings are artificial. That's why people create new frameworks and technology stacks to get away from the contraints of predecessors.

Maybe it's time to *really* check out things like [htmx]( or [the stackless way](

> - You can go far without a framework.
> - Build tools are a burden.
> - Routing sucks.
> - JAMstack doesn't always need build tools.
> - The platform is evergreen.

This ain't the first time I'm complaining about modern Javascript frameworks. And it sure won't be the last.