Day 60 - Moolah March

All those habits I started in Fund Feb were great, and something I will continue with. But they were all but just a start. The tone of this month is meant to be more serious, so it won’t suffice to just “do 1 task” or say positive affirmations to oneself. I’m looking for tangible results, no matter how small. A dollar that I can attribute to all the marketing and monetization efforts, is “tangible”. But a one-off $1 is under-shooting a bit, so to aim slightly higher and feel more challenged, I’m shooting for these goals:

Acquire at least 2 new subscribers for Lifelog
Sell at least 2 copies of a Carrd clone template for Plugins For Carrd
Get at least 2 web design projects for Sweet Jams Sites

Why two? Because I might be lucky one time, but to be lucky twice is harder, and a better gauge that the marketing and monetization efforts are working. If I fail, so be it. But the challenge is to challenge myself seriously.

Onwards to Moolah March!