Day 425 - Mad March -

I find I go through cycles of structure and chaos in any given year. Serious seasons where I hunker down and get after pre-determined targets, and relaxed seasons where I follow my energy, chase my curiosity and leverage random serendipity.

Perhaps the reason I had a bad Feb and continue to stay in my slump is because it’s time to follow my energy instead of goals. When energy wants to follow goals, it’s all peachy. But when energy wants to follow inspiration but instead gets misdirected to goals – that leads to confusion and stagnation.

That’s my working hypothesis.

Tactically and practically, I know that the best way to get the creative flywheel started again is to just let go and go to wherever my curiosity wants. That way I at least start on something, and riding on that borrowed energy, perhaps other goals and targets can come in.

So yes, onwards to a Mad March!

(And yes, the only goal in March is to follow my creative energy and curiosity.)