Day 690 - MRR gods -

Used to worship the MRR gods, but now I wanna be this guy 😈

![Gorr the god butcher](

Truth is, showing MRR progress no longer makes sense to me.

It’s a relic of SaaS indie hacking, which I followed just simply because other indies are doing it. The only MRR I have right now is Lifelog, which only accounts for part of my portfolio of bets. My main income stream continues to be from my consulting, which comes in bigger, one-time sums but infrequently (like a few times a year). My Carrd plugins are small, one-time payments but more regular through the month. And also random one-time, seldom repeatable gigs like website design etc.

MRR is no longer an accurate indicator of my progress because I’m so diversified. I need something that shows that diversity… or not.

Truth is, more and more I’m questioning if sharing revenue updates and milestones are even helpful. Is it more harmful than helpful? How does it benefit me other than getting more likes and impressions? Does it even help others? Do I want people to follow me because of my revenue?

Increasingly the answers to those questions are – No.

Minimal downside, minimal upside. But the downside will only increase as the revenue goes up. Many indies beyond $10k are starting to stop showing their metrics too as it gives competitors a one-way intel into your business.

Also coming from Singapore/Asia, it always feels weird to openly share how much you’re making. Growing up it’s always been culturally taboo, and if you make a handsome amount of money, talking about it can come across as a douchebag. It invites jealousy, envy, and unwanted attention.

Right now, I’m thinking of at most showing annual revenue, or none at all… 🤔

But leaning more towards just nothing.