Day 505 - Carrd Tricks -

I just started a blog called Carrd Tricks ( for my Plugins For Carrd project.

Nothing fancy. No Wordpress, Medium or Ghost. Just manually created pages in Carrd itself. Carrd isn’t the best platform for a blog to be honest, but I’m keen to keep the SEO juice on my site, so I have to work around it.

What inspired this was how I found myself constantly helping others with their questions about Carrd, on Facebook, Reddit, Telegram and Indie Hackers. Since I’m already writing answers for them, and since there’s probably more than one person who has that same issue searching on Google for it, I might as well repurpose them into tiny how-to tutorials and tricks to help more Carrd folks. Of course, the reward is the SEO juice.

This is another one of my experiments in spotting opportunities and leveraging luck. My rule is to follow inspiration, and act on it immediately before it fades. So I dropped all my other tasks yesterday morning, and hacked it out within 2h. It has just 1 tiny tutorial right now, but probably one of the most common and recurring questions. It’s scrappy. It’s minimal. But it serves the purpose. An MVP of a blog, so to speak.

SEO takes times to accrue. And I’ve also got to start sharing the links around. But it’s a start to a long game.

Will see if this will help bring more customers to my Plugins For Carrd project!