Day 546 - June wrap-up -

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Goalless June was a success. I succeeded in doing nothing. Probably the only time I pass with flying colours lol. Seriously though… taking intentional downtime had always been difficult for me. So I consider this a win.

June had been hard though. Lots of minor ailments here and there. Health isn’t great. Sleep was poor. It was my birthday month – I turned 43, yet the month didn’t quite feel quite celebratory. It felt like… just another month. Just another month struggling to keep up with everything.

The month passed by in a blink. The days are long, but the months are short. I guess that’s the life of a new parent, a clueless new dad? Just making it through to bedtime often feels like an achievement in itself.

Sometimes it feels like I’ve already won juggling these many roles and challenges. But yet, I don’t feel victorious.

Much to reflect on.
Jason Leow Author

I hear ya, Daniel. When sleep is no good, everything else is tough. What seems to be the issue? Are you having difficulty falling asleep or something else keeping you up?

Jason Leow Author

@poppacalyse thanks Carl! Yeah the numbers are just a way for me to compare myself to myself on a month on month basis… tbh i have no idea if the figures are any good compared to others! How can I tell?


@jasonleow managing my love relationship with engineering and actually shipping product mostly keeps me awake at night. at the same time i want to learn a lot of thing and get deeper into programming, security and CS but at the same time i have to focus on making money somehow. fortunately everything is better right now (relative to past years) i am getting more focused and i am optimizing everything to make money either by getting hire somewhere or making money by building my own biz (eventually the latter should happen, somehow). so yeah … it's more than that of course 😅 but that's gist of it


this month the hardest thing for me was sleep. it's really hard to sleep before 12:00. literally i just end up sleeping at 2 or 3 am.

Jason Leow Author

Haha ok yeah it's subjective true.. but thank you for that!

Carl Poppa 🛸

i know the idea is to not obsess over numbers too much. although, have to say these are some awesome figures, Jason!

Jason Leow Author

@danielcodex I see I see you're sleeping ay 3am cos you're coding! Yeah once you get into it, it's hard to just drop and go sleep

Carl Poppa 🛸

i guess i should've clarified, they look good to me Lol . it's very subjective


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