Day 453 - I create therefore I am -

The recent hit on my MRR hit hard. Made me reflect a lot on my creator journey. I’ve also been thinking: I’ve been hustling on one product for some time now. Since Sept last year probably, and slightly over 2 years since launch. I think it’s time to pivot myself. I’ve given it a good go. Though I don’t think I’ll ever stop marketing Lifelog or developing it, my focus needs to change, it needs a change.

If anything, it’s for my sanity. For the creator spirit in me.

You can’t keep pushing without positive feedback. There’s only so much motivation and drive can do. After a while all the uphill struggles get to you.

Maybe finally moving to creating other products will help me with my revenue woes. Maybe taking some time away will benefit Lifelog. Maybe getting back to developing new features for Lifelog will help too - I’ve also neglected Lifelog’s development for some time now, since I went all in on marketing it last Sep. It’s been 7-8 months!

I don’t know for sure, but I do instinctively feel this is the right thing to do.

I need to feel creative and alive again. And I need to make. Create stuff. Anything.

I need to do something about my worries about feeding the family, so I need to make more products that could have a bigger payoff.

I need to restart my maker engine and start small bets again. Aggressively timebox my effort and commitment for each small bet, and curb my ambitions.

I need to start experimenting and having fun again.

Like how, just yesterday, I started on a small project for myself, called Sheet2Bio. It’s like but for link-in-bio like Linktree. All done via Google Sheets instead of having to create yet another account on a social platform. I needed a bio link but decided to make one myself, and potentially for other creators.

Already, once I started on that, the worries become less worrying. Some hope and optimism returns. I can feel movement, and movement brings more motivation. The creative flywheel starts humming.

Creating in itself is an act of optimism.
Creating clears the head.

I create, therefore I am.
Jason Leow Author

yes indeed!


"You can’t keep pushing without positive feedback" i can relate to this. i haven't created any product yet, but i know not getting any positive feedback for your work … is hard 😔


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