Day 435 - C+ -

It’s finally here. Everyone’s favourite virus is now in my house. First it hit my dad. Now my mum seems to be infected too. Can imagine it’s just a matter of time for the rest of us in the household, even with self-isolation.

It’s like coming face to face with the boogeyman. After 2 pandemic years of playing hide-and-seek, and bracing ourselves for this eventual showdown.

Crazy as it sounds, I’m kind of relieved.

Sure, I’m worried for my elderly parents. But they are vaccinated, and thankfully this isn’t the original boogeyman we were worried about, but it’s milder but more transmittable successor. So far it’s just a bad cough for my dad. No fever, no breathlessness, no fatigue or any pain. Singapore’s omicron peak is now waning, and hospital bed capacity is doing fine. Seems like, if there’s ever a good time to get infected, it would be now.

Time to get this over with for real.