Day 589 - Diverse portfolio to trigger timely changes -

It’s nice do a 180º switch up in pace and energy once in a while for work.

My consulting projects do that for me.

Indie hacking is mostly a solo, introverted journey. As much as I’m active on Twitter, it still feels lonesome. We’re running parallel, not together on same path, after all. I do my own work, at my own pace, on my own projects. Others do their’s at their own time. It can start to feel very hermit-like very fast. I almost feel like I’m forgetting my face-to-face social skills with strangers. On lazy days, there’s no external accountability. There’s no one to answer to, or to fulfil obligations for – a good thing when you’re motivated, not always a good thing when you’re unmotivated.

But once I switch to consulting, I’m full on immersed in a team. I’m working collaboratively. I’m talking, socializing, facilitating conversations, sensing emotions, reading body language. I plan ahead, show up, be responsible and disciplined because I’m socially committed. I’m answerable to my client.

That’s the key benefit of a diverse portfolio of products and services.

It gives me a change.

Sometimes—at the right time— a much-needed change.

I’ve been feeling burned out, and in low energy and spirits for a few months now. But the consulting project is making me emerge out from my cave. I have to, I don’t have a choice. But that forcing function works. It works right at a time when I’m also feeling like I want to move but can’t muster the energy.

Sometimes we need both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators, and it’s okay.