Released Flutter filter list package version 1.0.0 🎉

1️⃣Improved visual customisation. Including remove custom function.
2️⃣Added below arguments to improve the customisation and make it translatable.
3️⃣Added buttonRadius button border radius argument.
4️⃣Added controlContainerDecoration action buttons box decoration argument.
Added buttonSpacing button spacing argument.
5️⃣Added validateRemoveItem custom remove function that returns the selected list items filtered by the user conditions.
6️⃣Added insetPadding dialog padding argument.
7️⃣Added wrapAlignment argument to control the choice chips alignment in main axis.
8️⃣Added wrapCrossAxisAlignment argument to control choice chip within a run should be aligned relative to each other in the cross axis.
9️⃣Added wrapSpacing argument to control the space to place between choice chip in a run in the main axis.

🌐Package :-

🌐Demo App:-

🌐Source code:-