Day 768 - What if you didn't care about what you SHOULD do -

What if I didn't care about everything that I *should* do, but did what I *want* to do?

What if I ignored the best practices, the top 10 growth hacks I never knew, the mental models that will make you unstoppable, the 10 tools that feels illegal to know?

What if I just did what I needed—WANTED—to do, right here right now?

What if I didn't care about:

- Engaging on social media daily
- Posting/Tweeting every day
- Growing an audience
- Working hard
- Working nights and weekends
- Getting up at 5am to work
- My strict habits and routines
- Thinking about work 24/7
- The thousand and one other good-to-do tasks in a day

What if I just did what's needed, what moves the needle, and be done for the day?

What if I choose to be ***strategically lazy***?

Would I still be able to achieve just as much? Or would I—in the end—achieve more?

I don't know for sure.

But I sure feel like I want to try now. More than ever.

I've worked so hard for so long. Yet the results elude me.

Maybe just trying something new, something refreshing, something fun... something I yearn to do, will help.

Frankly, I up to my throat on what I *should* do... so much that I don't want to care anymore.

Anything different will probably help at this point.

