Day 739 - Being real = nothing left to remove -

I wrote about [wanting to be better at being real and realistic in 2023]( And so much of being real is about reducing or removing, rather than adding.

*Via negativa*, as Nassim Taleb says.

Dropping unhelpful lenses in which we view the world. Letting go of inner narratives that hinder more than help. Taking away of dead weight of ideas that subconsciously guide our actions.

There's this recent tweet by [@AlexHormozi]( that mirrors this point:

> I began waking up without anxiety when I gave up my need for two things:
> 1) Meaning
> 2) Joy
> Said differently. I decided it was “okay” for me to accept my present rather than comparing it to a arbitrary ideal that I constantly fell short of.
> And my world got a lot quieter.

And reading through the replies, it's interesting how many folks misinterpreted that tweet. He didn't give up on meaning and joy. He gave up on the unhealthy attachment to constantly making himself miserable by comparing to fuzzy ideals related to joy and meaning. And ironically, by giving that up, he got closer to joy and meaning.

And to be the realest of a real human being, remove so much that there's nothing left to remove.

No more fascades.
No more masks.
No more lies.

Acts of omission > acts of commission

Elimination > addition